北海道 ショコラケーキ (Hokkaido Chocolate Cake)

(Hokkiadou Shokora Keeki | Hokkaido Chocolate Cake)

General Description

It's Hokkaido Chocolate Cake! From...Hokkaido? I don't see any brand name on this. Either way, this seems to be a Hokkaido product through and through. The package advertises that the chocolate and wheat used to make this snack is 100% from Hokkaido. We also saw the same shape on the Hokkaido Cheese Cake from a while back. I didn't mention it at the time, and it may be obvious, but it's the shape of Hokkaido!

By the way, this treat is called "chocolate cake" but it's a pudding cup if I've ever saw one. The top half is the cake and the bottom is pudding. I don't think chocolate pudding is as common here as it is in the West. I haven't had any in years anyways!

At long last, time to jump in!



84 JPY (1 cup)


The cake part has light chocolate cake taste. The pudding tastes like good chocolate pudding. It's kinda nostalgic actually, it reminds me of the pudding cups I had as a kid. It tastes soooo good. It's so chocolaty but not too sweet or heavy. It's pretty rich.

I don't know what the cake adds in terms of flavour, but it tastes delicious.


The cake part is soooo moist! The pudding on the bottom is like Western pudding - more solid than yogurt but more liquidy than custard pudding I reviewed before. The cake doesn't become mushy in the pudding.


There's a light chocolate smell.


It's really simple, but I really like pudding. The cake helps it feel less heavy while still satisfying. I could probably eat 3 cups in one sitting if I was hungry, but as a light snack, it's perfect. It satisfies my sugar and chocolate craving. If you like pudding, you'll like this.

Would I try again?

Yeah, as a little treat for myself.

Who wrote this article?


Main editor of this website.
Responsible for reviewing food and writing articles.
Canadian, moved to Tokyo in 2019.
Loves eating foods, especially sweets.
Can eat desserts 3 times a day.

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