Food– category –
[Kirin] Mottainai (Ponkan Flavour Liqueur)
(Mottainai Ponkan) QR code for more information on the project General Description We all know that alcohol makes you feel good, but what about a drink that makes you feel good? What do I mean by that? Well, let's first talk about "motta... -
[Yamazaki] メープル メロンパン (Maple Melon Pan)
(Meepuru Meron Pan Meepuru & Maagarin | Maple Melon Pan with Maple & Margarine) General Description Now this is a treat that makes my Canadian heart sing! The leaves are starting to change colours and the temperature is ever so s... -
[Yamazaki] ふわふわ ホイップクリーム ドーナツ (Whipped Cream Donuts)
(Fuwafuwa Hoippu Kuriimu Doonatsu | Fluffy Whipped Cream Donuts) General Description Do you want a bite of today's treat? Or should I say, do-not you want one?...Sorry, I couldn't resist. Donuts! Who doesn't love a good donut? I've been ... -
[Kasugai] つぶグミ バカンス!(Tropical Fruit Jelly Beans)
(Tsubu Gumi Bakansu | Vacance Tsubu Gummy) General Description It's been a while since we reviewed a product, but we're back with a good one. Put on your shades, kick back, and relax by the sound of the waves as you eat today's treat - V... -
ラムネ (Ramune)
(Ramune) General Description As we're hitting 30+ degrees, it's safe to say that summer is here. And what better way to cool off than with a refreshing drink! I've been excited to get around to this one actually. I've been obsessed with ... -
[Glico] Sunao アーモンド&バニラ クリームサンド (Cream Biscuit)
(Aamondo & Banira Kuriimu Sando | Almond & Vanilla Cream Sandwich) General Description I don't think I need to introduce today's company. It's Glico! You probably have seen their name at least once before. If you've ever had Pock... -
[UHA Mikakutou] さける グミ (Grape and Apple Gummy)
(Sakeru Gumi Kyohou & Ringo | Pull Apart Gummy Kyoho Grape & Apple) General Description We're still on a gummy roll! We're back with a gummy from UHA Mikakutou! I've always seen UHA gummies around but I've never tried any before.... -
[Kabaya] すいか グミ (Watermelon Gummy)
(Itsudemo Dokodemo Minichua Suika Gumi | Any time Anywhere Mini Watermelon Gummy) General Description We're still on our gummy streak, back with a Kabaya treat! You know, it's kinda funny. Until I looked at their Strawberry Cake Gummy, I... -
[Senjaku] 山形 の さくらんぼ (Cherry Gummy)
(Yamagata No Sakuranbo | Yamagata Cherry) General Description We're on a gummy roll! It's Yamagata Cherry! Yamagata is a prefecture in Honshu. It's famous for its cherries - it's actually the biggest producer of cherries in Japan! Appare... -
[Akagi] Sof' (Vanilla and Melon Ice Cream)
(Sofu Furano Meron & Hokkaido Miruku Banira | Furano Melon & Hokkaido Milk Vanilla) General Description It's still only April, but the weather is starting to heat up! Well, for me at least. Let's have some ice cream! Today we hav...