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[Kasugai] つぶグミ バカンス!(Tropical Fruit Jelly Beans)
(Tsubu Gumi Bakansu | Vacance Tsubu Gummy) General Description It's been a while since we reviewed a product, but we're back with a good one. Put on your shades, kick back, and relax by the sound of the waves as you eat today's treat - V... -
[Kabaya] ピュアラル グミ 春の桃(Peach Gummy)
(Pyuararu Gumi Haru no Momo | Pure & Natural Spring Peach Gummy) General Description It's been a few months, but we're back with another gummy! And it's from Kabaya, the same makers of one of our first treats this year. The last time... -
[YBC] ノアール 薄焼き 安納芋クリーム (Sweet Potato Cream Cookies)
(Noaaru Usuyaki Annouimo Kuriimu| Noir Fried/Baked Thins with Sweet Potato Cream) General Description We're still looking at seasonal flavours, but as we're getting further into October, those flavours may change a bit. However, today we... -
[Morinaga] Marie で仕立てた マシュマロケーキ モンブラン味 (Mont Blanc Marshmallow Cookie)
(Marie de Shitateta Mashumaro Keeki | Marshmallow Cake crafted by Marie) General Description We've been looking at sweet potato desserts and snacks for a bit. Today let's try a different fall flavour - chestnut! Well, in this case, it's ... -
[Famima Sweets] 紅はるかの スイートポテト クレープ
(Beni Haruka Suiito Poteto Kureepu | Red Sweet Potato Crêpe) General Description Here we are with another seasonal sweet potato snack from Family Mart! This time we have a crêpe! Crêpes are pretty popular desserts in Japan, or at least i... -
[Famima Sweets] 紅はるかのスイートポテトタルト (Sweet Potato Tart)
(Beni Haruka no Suiito Poteto Taruto | Red Sweet Potato Tart) General Description One thing that I love about living in Japan is that there is always something new to experience with each season - from the scenery, to events, to the food... -
コメダ珈琲店 (Komeda Coffee)
(Komeda | Entrance ) Cashier, Merchandise, & Bookshelf Newspaper, Magazine, Kids' Books, Blankets, & Reading Glasses Interior Bookshelf Blanket Washroom General Description Time to take a break and grab a bite to eat! And what be... -
[Meiji] 果汁 グミ (Fruit Juice Gummy)
(Kajuu Gumi | Fruit Juice Gummy) General Description Today I'm excited to introduce you to one my favourite gummies! Gummies are a pretty common snack. There are a lot of varieties to choose from, differing in flavour, texture, and shape...