Mini-meal– tag –
[Fujipan] スナックサンド ミルクココア (Chocolate Cream Sandwich)
(Sunakku Sando Miruku Kokoa | Snack Sandwich with Milk Cocoa) General Description I know! I know, I know, I know, I've already reviewed Fujipan's Snack Sandwich and Yamazaki's Lunch Pack a few times, how many more times can I keep review... -
[Nissin] Cup Noodle (Regular, Seafood, & Curry Cup Noodles)
(Nissin Cup Noodle Assari Oishi Kappu Nuudoru | Ready and Tasty Cup Noodles) General Description I've been eating - I mean reviewing a lot of sweets lately, so let's look at something on the savoury side. We got a big one today too. It's... -
[Yamazaki] ランチパック たっぷり! ソース焼きそば(Yakisoba Sandwich)
(Ranchi Pakku Tappuri! Soosu Yakisoba | Lunch Pack Filled up! Sauce Yakisoba) General Description Whelp, here we go again. I tried yakisoba pan last year and wasn't a fan. But I like Yamazaki's products especially their Lunch Pack series... -
[Pasco] あらびきチョリソーソーセージ (Chorizo Hotdog)
(Arabiki Chorisoo Sooseegi | Ground Pork Chorizo Sausage) General Description We've looked at sandwiches filled with peanut cream, chocolate, and even noodles! It's about time we looked at a more "traditional" sandwich. And hot dogs are ... -
[Maruchan] 赤いきつねうどん & 緑のたぬき天そば (Instant Udon & Soba)
(Akai Kitsune Udon [above] & Midori No Tanuki Tensoba) Akai Kitsune Udon | Red Kitsune Udon Midori No Tanuki Tensoba | Green Tanuki Tensoba General Description あけましておめでとうございます! Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu! We're bac... -
[Maruchan] ごつ盛り (Instant Yakisoba)
(Gotsumori So-su Yakisoba | Gotsumori Sauce Yakisoba) General Description Welcome to instant noodles that drove me insane. I am still puzzled, but more on that later. This is Gotsumori - if I had to translate their name, I'd say somethin... -
[Fujipan] スナックサンド 生チョコ&ホイップ (Chocolate & Whipped Cream Sandwich)
(Sunakku Sando Nama Choko & Hoippu | Snack Sandwich Raw Chocolate & Whipped Cream) General Description "Now wait a minute Rue!" you might say, "Are you revisiting the Lunch Pack sandwich already?" Well first, this is a different ... -
[Yamazaki] 具たっぷり 旨辛カレー肉まん (Curry Meat Steamed Bun)
(Gu Tappuri Uma Kara Karee Nikuman | Hearty Spicy 'n Tasty Curry Meat Steamed Bun) General Description Today we're looking at the last of the 3 Yamazaki chuukaman (Chinese steamed buns). This one has a curry filling! Specifically, it's u... -
[Yamazaki] 具たっぷり あんまん (Red Bean Steamed Bun)
(Gu Tappuri Anman | Hearty Red Bean Steamed Bun) General Description Last time, we looked at Yamazaki's 3 cheese steamed meat bun. Today we're looking at their an, or red bean, bun! The filling is tsubuan, meaning coarse red bean paste. ... -
[Yamazaki] 具たっぷり 3種のチーズ肉まん (3 Cheese Steamed Meat Bun)
(Gu Tappuri 3 Shu No Chiizu Nikuman | Hearty 3 Cheese Meat Steamed Bun) General Description Today, we're starting a little something. So I got 3 different flavours of Yamazaki's chuukaman: 3 cheese, curry, and anko. I decided to start wi...